Shedding Light on Window Styles

Aside from the practical use of windows for letting in light and fresh air, the different styles are important considerations when buying a house or remodeling. These five common window styles can add a personal touch to your home while contributing to a better design in general.

Single vs. Double Hung Windows
These are the most common and expected windows for a house. Single hung will be more cost-affective while double hung may make up for the extra cost in their ease of use and maintenance. The single hung window opens from the bottom, but a double hung window opens from the bottom or top and allows you to clean the exterior and interior from inside your home.

Slider Windows
More common in contemporary or modern homes, slider windows function similar to a sliding glass door. One side slides horizontally on top of the other. Slider windows are commonly used in shorter walls to save on vertical space while still allowing in the same amount of light as a single or double hung window.

Casement Windows
Built with a hinge, casement windows swing out with a crank instead of sliding open. Casement windows are valued for their better insulation and ventilation capabilities. Similar to casement windows are awning windows which open outward from the bottom (creating an awning) and help keep the elements out, like rain.

Transom Windows
Appearing above another window or door, transom windows are largely for decoration and a relatively affordable way to let in more light. They are usually shaped like a semi-circle, but can come in rectangular, square, or custom shapes to fit your space. While some may open similarly to an awning window, they typically do not open.

Picture Windows
As a way to bring the outside in, picture windows offer a large, unobstructed view from your house to the outside. Typically picture windows are without breaks and the ability to open, but there are combination units that have operational windows on the sides.
The interior design of your space is greatly impacted by the amount of natural light let in. The next time you think of upgrading, make sure to keep your windows in mind.
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